About This Game PROXIMA ROYALE is a competitive Sci-Fi Multiplayer Shooter set on the exoplanet Proxima Centauri b. Experience strategic and action-packed multiplayer battles and the exploration of massive open worlds. 1075eedd30 Title: PROXIMA ROYALEGenre: Action, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Early AccessDeveloper:Vulkan SocietyPublisher:Vulkan SocietyRelease Date: coming soon PROXIMA ROYALE Free Download [Patch] proxima royale trailer. proxima atualização do clash royale 2017. proxima royale game. proxima royale key. proxima royale discord. proxima royale free. proxima royale steam. proxima royale gameplay. proxima actualizacion de clash royale 2018 abril. proxima royale early access. proxima actualizacion de clash royale 2018 septiembre. proxima royale beta. proxima royale release date. proxima royale xbox. proxima actualizacion de clash royale noviembre 2017. descargar proxima royale. proxima royale requisitos. proxima royale beta access. proxima actualizacion de clash royale septiembre 2018. proxima royale ps4. proxima roupa ouro royale. clash royale próxima actualización. proxima roupa do ouro royale. proxima actualizacion clash royale 2018. stats royale proxima lendaria. proxima promocao clash royale. twitch proxima royale. proxima royale alpha key. proxima royale (pc). proxima actualizacion de clash royale octubre 2018. proxima royale wiki. proxima skin ouro royale. proxima actualizacion clash royale septiembre 2018. proxima actualizacion fortnite battle royale. proxima actualizacion clash royale. proxima carta clash royale. proxima royale sistem gereksinimleri. proxima atualização do clash royale. proxima royale alpha. proxima royale price. clash royale proxima atualização. clash royale proxima actualizacion. proxima royale release. proxima actualizacion de clash royale 2017. proxima royale.com. proxima royale review. clash royale proxima actualizacion 2018. proxima royale steam charts. proxima actualizacion de clash royale 2019 abril. proxima roupa do ouro royale 2019. proxima royale alpha sign up. proxima atualização clash royale. proxima royale reddit. proxima skin do ouro royale. proxima royale shroud. proxima battle royale gameplay. proxima skin diamante royale. proxima actualizacion clash royale diciembre. proxima royale system requirements. proxima royale beta key. proxima royale download. proxima actualizacion clash royale 2019. proxima actualizacion de clash royale 2018 octubre. proxima royale. proxima royale twitter. proxima royale website. proxima skin do ouro royale 2019. proxima skins do diamante royale free fire DEVELOPMENT UPDATE #004: Hello there fellow human!Welcome to the Fourth Development Update of PROXIMA ROYALE. There will be several more updates the upcoming weeks!As your probably have read in our Discord server, we are currently working towards a big Closed Beta stage. The beta is expected to launch in 1-2 months. We are planning to give a wide audience access to the game. The exact launch date for the Closed Beta will be announced at a later date. Make sure to not miss future announcements!We had 12 Alpha waves so far and we want to thank everyone who participated and gave us their suggestions. With the help of all of you we collected a lot of feedback and bug reports and we're going to use it to improve the game and prepare a big Closed Beta stage! There will be no more server up times until the Closed Beta will launch.Volcano Scene Concept:Greenhouse Concept:Plasma Weapons Series (Final Models):Solar Roads Concept:Living Area Buildings (WIP):Discord: https://discord.gg/proximaroyaleTwitter: https://twitter.com/ProximaRoyaleFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProximaRoyale/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProximaRoyale/. PATCH 0.4.1-Closed Alpha: The newest patch contains fixes for the most crashes. Starting from now we will gradually increase minimum number of players to 40 and monitor servers to make sure everything runs smooth. Next target is 60 players per match. Thanks for your patience! 🤖Bugfixes:- Fixed client crash while searching for match.- Fixed client crash while logging into lobby.Changes:- Reduced screen shake when receiving damage.. DEVELOPMENT UPDATE #005: Hello there fellow human!Welcome to the Fifth Development Update of PROXIMA ROYALE. There will be several more updates the upcoming weeks! We have made a lot of progress the past weeks and months and in this update we will only focus on the most interesting things.We will release a new trailer in the upcoming weeks to show off all the new content in action! The Closed Beta is also on its way, currently dated for Q3 2018.Website UpdateWe also reworked our webiste. There you will find the most important information about the game and also a collection of all the current media assets like screenshots and concept arts. If you like you can also sign up to our newsletter to not miss any future announcements and news: https://proximaroyale.com/Partner ProgramFor those of you who have been curious about our Partner Program: the Partner Program has offically launched today! If you are a streamer or content creator feel free to apply: https://proximaroyale.com/partnerHumanoid Robot - Model Sparky (WIP):Living Area Buildings (WIP):Space Elevator Concept:Level Design Progress:Discord: https://discord.gg/proximaroyaleTwitter: https://twitter.com/ProximaRoyaleFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProximaRoyale/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProximaRoyale/. DEVELOPMENT UPDATE #003: Hello there fellow human! Welcome to the Third Development Update of PROXIMA ROYALE. There will be several more updates the upcoming weeks!Plasma Weapons (WIP):Level Design (WIP):Discord: https://discord.gg/proximaroyaleTwitter: https://twitter.com/ProximaRoyaleFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProximaRoyale/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProximaRoyale/. IndieDB 2018 Indie of the Year Awards: Hello there fellow human!Only one day is left until The IndieDB 2018 Indie of the Year Awards will announce their final TOP 100!If you haven't voted for PROXIMA ROYALE yet we would ask you to do it and help us make it to the finals.Vote here: https://www.indiedb.com/games/proxima-royale. PATCH 0.4.3-Closed Alpha: Changes:- Optimized networking part of the game code to improve client-server interaction.- Added waiting lobby. Players need to wait on a sea base until match starts and they get teleported to the island. This is a starting ground for our upcoming spawning system!- Improved randomization of player starts.- Increased walkable floor angle for characters.- Lowered ambient sound volume
PROXIMA ROYALE Free Download [Patch]
Updated: Dec 8, 2020